Paco Perera

Paco Perera

Paco Perera is a Canarian bassist, contrabassist & composer with extensive experience in a varied number of genres, such as jazz, Canarian folklore, Latin music, flamenco, etc. He received his music education & training at the ‘ESMuC’ in Barcelona, and developed his career between that city, Madrid and the Canary Islands, working with figures like Lucrecia, Moncho, Las Migas, Caramelo, Jorge Rossy, Antonio Serrano, Lole Montoya and Allan Harris.

He builds his music from identity and tradition towards innovation with a marked hybrid influence and establishing a dialogue between the old and the new, local and universal, acoustic and electronic…

He uses as a common thread the popular folklore tradition of the Canary Islands and many of its characteristic elements such as the instrumentation, folkloric genres and texts of traditional Canarian lyrics to be fused with other contemporary elements such as jazz and electronic music.

  • Line-Up:
  • Paco Perera: vocals & electric bass
  • Jacqueline García Álamo: lute, timple & vocals
  • Kimberly Hernández: ‘bandurria’ (mandolin) & vocals
  • Rayco Gil: Canarian percussion & electronic
  • Gilles Estoppey: keyboards & electronic
  • Ugo Arnoldo: keyboards
  • Daniel González Batista: drums
